09 agosto 2009

Pictures from a feast in a far away village somewhere in old Italy

I've been working on this slideshow for a while. I am sorry the final result of the editing is technically far from what I expected but I am not a pro ;-)
Hope you will anyway enjoy the beautiful pics, who where taken by the acclaimed Jeff Kauck from Chicago.

The pictures were taken during the Carrese, the yarly oxen race which takes place in San Martino in Pensilis (Molise).

The music is from the "Royal Tenembaums" soundtrack.

5 commenti:

  1. Bellissimo!
    Te lo rubo di sana pianta ;-)

  2. ruba pure! è un piacere ricevere questo tipo di "furti"... :-D

  3. An oxen race! I came via the link on Bella Baita (Marla's site) as she had made a wonderful mention of your efforts to promote Molise. I think you did a great job on the video clip!

  4. thank you Rowena for your visit and comment. I visited your blogs which I find very intersenting and that I will follow.
    Hope we can even exchange some guest posts...
    let's keep in touch!

  5. Bellissimo... This is just one of the great traditions in the Molise.

    Have you made it to Jelsi for the Festa della Grana?

    ...then what is the name of the big festival in Agnone? ...non mi ricordo... I haven't been yet, though!

